Wooden poster frames

You can find the price list at the bottom of the page.

Hang your prints and posters with modern wooden poster frames!

The handmade frames are easy to attach with a magnet.

Our poster frames are made of oak and come with a leather string.

The frames are handmade in Oitti, Finland by carpenter Matti Niemelä.

They are made of oak wood that is FSC certified for sustainable forestry.

The frames are always sold in pairs and are also available in custom sizes.

  • Also available in the size & color you want

  • 305-505mm diameter of the frames is 19mm

  • 505-1505mm diameter of the frames is 25mm

    Delivery costs:

  • Matkahuolto's nearby package 10,00€

  • Schenker express “to the front door” package 15,00€

Order from online store


Choose the right paper for your photos

For paper, we recommend Day & Night matt or Hahnemühle acid-free Matt Fiber 200gsm.