Sustainable development and responsible choices
Eco-friendly solutions that support sustainable development are in a central role in everything we do here at Dialab. Every day we try to think new ways of doing things according to our values.
We have realized that often eco-friendly choises also save money. A good example is lowering our energy consumption, which we have been considering lately.
Environmental issues are important part of Dialab’s sustainable development plan.
In photographic art, the longevity of the artwork is crucial. That's why we choose materials that are built to last.
Across all our operations and products, we prioritize the highest possible quality and durability. This commitment also reflects our stance against the throw-away culture.
For temporary exhibitions and products where longevity isn't required, we make it a point to use recyclable materials whenever possible, while always keeping the customer’s preferences in mind.
Hydropower electricity:
The electricity we use is produced by hydropower and certified with a guarantee of origin.
Specific carbon dioxide emissions of hydropower are 0 g/kWh and the amount of spent nuclear fuel is 0 mg/kWh.
PEFC and FSC certified wood:
As plywood, we only use domestic birch plywood that is PEFC and FSC certified.
The 20mm stretcher bar we use is domestic PEFC and FSC certified.
The 40mm stretcher bar we use comes from Denmark and is FSC certified.
Our poster frames are made of PEFC and FSC certified oak.
Reuse of the packaging material:
We try to make good use of all the packaging material that we recieve. Currently about 80% of that we reuse.
However, the reuse of cardboard, sheets and bubble wrap does not in any way degrade the quality of the packaging.
Silisec® print:
To our knowledge, we are the first photo laboratory in the world, that offer 100% recycled acrylic in facemounting process. (Not Trulife® / Matt-Silisec®.)
For years, Dialab has relied on Hahnemühle's quality and at the same time fell in love with Hahnemühle's way of doing things with nature in mind.
The Hahnemühle factory has been on the same site since 1584, right next to the nature reserve.
The water used by the factory comes from underground springs in the nearby area and is not treated chemically. Used water is returned to nature in a tightly controlled process.
The cellulose used by Hahnemuhle is lignin-free, obtained from deciduous and coniferous trees that grow in sustainably managed forests and are FSC or PEFC certified.
For years, Hahnemühle has produced all the energy it needs exclusively from renewable sources such as wind, water and solar energy.
Hahnemühle Natural Line
In 2019, Hahnemuhle published the Natural Line.
The line focuses on FineArt papers made from unique and eco-friendly raw materials: bamboo, hemp and agave.
These cellulose-producing plants require little maintenance, grow quickly, and do not need pesticides.
Their rapid growth means that more cellulose can be produced on the same farmland than other raw materials, and they also need much less water, saving valuable natural resources and the environment.
The new FineArt papers in the Natural Line series are the next step in Hahnemühle's ongoing commitment to sustainable development and environmental protection.
The Swedish-made Re-board is an ecological and durable board for many uses. The material is made from waste and is 100% recyclable.
Kroma® Natural White / Kroma® Kraft / Kroma® Eka board:
Of the German Kroma® boards, Natural white and Eka board are PEFC certified and 100% recyclable. Kroma Kraft is PEFC certified.
Mounting adhesive/laminates
The ph-neural mounting adhesive and UV-laminates we use have an eco-friendly water-based adhesive.
New products
We are constantly looking for new products that are ecological but at the same time sustainable. We strive to select materials that do not need to be renewed and will be preserved for future generations.
Domestic suppliers
We purchase almost all of our materials from domestic suppliers to support Finnish companies and reduce emissions from cargo. In addition, we have concentrated our material sourcing in a few locations to avoid extra freight.
We recycle daily
We recycle plastic, cardboard, paper, glass, bio waste and metal in our premises.
Going forward, we plan to gradually transition to LED lighting and replace traditional packaging tape with paper-based alternatives, among other initiatives.
Remember, your choices make a difference! We are all here to learn, and we welcome any ideas on how we can make our operations and products even more eco-friendly.